Sergio Redondo
A Stanford Biosciences PhD student, Sergio seeks to become a research and teaching professor, increase participation in science, and contribute to the diversity of the scientific community.
My research is aimed at understanding the impact of environmental toxicants on mammal fauna through the lens of genomics/epigenomics. Currently, I am focused on the effects of mercury released from small scale gold mining on bat fauna by looking at this toxicant's impact at various levels: cellular, individual, population, community and ecosystem. My long-term career goal is to become a research and teaching professor at a private or public university.
I'm very passionate about the research that I've conducted thus far, and I feel that this career trajectory suits me well (though it definitely will be a stressful track at times). Nonetheless, I am keeping my options open for other opportunities in government, the non-profit sector (especially conservation organizations), and maybe industry.
I chose Stanford because it aligned well with my academic, research, and career interests; my advisor was supportive; and it seemed like a very open and collaborative atmosphere (which so far has been exactly that). Also, being closer to my family definitely played a huge role in my final decision, as well as the weather.
To me, diversity broadly means you have an even distribution or at least some representation of people from all experiences, backgrounds, gender-identities, cultures, sexualities, abilities, etc. in any place at any given time. I think this should especially be the case in places of higher learning such as Stanford because it would demonstrate that they provide equal opportunities for all people (equity is also important). Diversity really is what brings forth some of the best ideas we have in the world, and I find it to be a beautiful thing.
As a Latino immigrant from a low-income background I bring a perspective and way of thinking that is unique. We all have intersectional identities that help us relate to one another, and my various identities enable me to connect with people and help bring forth more diversity into our community. I believe that my greatest contribution in this realm is my passion and dedication to outreach. I hope to continue diversifying our Biosciences community in the long-term by making it more accessible to people from diverse backgrounds, especially those that have had limited opportunities in the past.
Sergio Redondo, graduate in biology, ecology/evolution track